Since 2005, we have had many pregnant women come to our yoga classes wanting a gentle yet strength-building experience. We accommodate for the needs of individuals, letting both experienced practitioners and novices enjoy the class. This weekly class builds a stronger community for all participants, helping students feel more committed to their weekly practice. 

assisted-malasana-prenatalWhile we are conscious of the contraindications for various stages of pregnancy, we lead our students in a slow, moderately challenging practice. We focus on proper alignment for the changing pregnant body, safe stretching, targeted strengthening for the core and pelvic floor muscles, as well as guided relaxation.

Pregnancy is not an illness and shouldn't be treated like one. It is one medical condition that is indicative of health and strength, and we help expectant moms feel stronger and more confident in their bodies. Because we aim to prepare you for the marathon of birth and new motherhood, you might find that our classes are a little more challenging and more educational than most prenatal yoga classes.

Prenatal yoga will address common problems that pregnant women experience ranging from back or pelvic pain to varicose veins. We also address mental and emotional stress, and breathing techniques to prepare for labor. There are no requirements in our classes, except to take care of yourself. We encourage our students to take breaks, drink water and rest if necessary.  If it doesn't feel right, then don't do it! At the end of class, we allow 10 minutes for a guided relaxation. Many women say that this class is their refuge during the week, and that they sleep much better on the nights that they've practiced yoga.

Our students often stay commited to their yoga practice, even right up until their due date! We have people who start at eight weeks and stay until the very last day of their pregnancy. We recommend that you start practicing Prenatal Yoga once any nausea has mostly subsided and/or you have permission from your care provider to exercise (only in the case of a high risk pregnancy, otherwise you do not need your provider's permission).

Our teachers are available to work privately with you (and your partner) to develop a practice plan suited to your individual needs. If you are interested in learning yoga and meditation techniques to cope with the stress and pain of labor, please contact us to set up a session in your home, at a local studio or try our new Yoga for Labor workshop. Individual instructions can also be useful if you don't have time to come to class, you are looking to fit more exercise into your routine, or you aren't sure what is safe to do on your own. Also, if you are looking for a more psychotherapeutic approach to dealing with stress and anxiety through yoga, contact Lela for a Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy or Somatic Experiencing session.


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Additional Resources

Videos for home practice

Prenatal and postpartum classes for streaming or download.

Recovering from a traumatic birth?

Lela Beem specializes in helping women recover from difficult birth and postpartum experiences, even decades later. Learn more about her Somatic Experiencing practice here.

Are you experiencing anxiety and/or depression?

Contact Beyond the Baby Blues, a support group for prenatal and postpartum moms in Evanston, led by therapists. Lela teaches yoga for some of these groups.

Looking for a healthcare provider recommendation?

Check our this list of trust community providers.  You can also email for personalized suggestions.