Baby and Me Yoga FB Post

Mondays, 4:15-5p

Want to get some exercise, meet other parents and spend time with your little one?

Join Cami Codell, a postnatal and kids yoga specialist, for this fun and educational weekly class. You won't find this anywhere else on a weekly basis.

Classes include:

  • Poses to address your aches, pains and recovery process, if appropriate
  • Yoga that entertains baby and strengthens the parent
  • Basic massage and baby yoga
  • Time to connect with others in your life stage

For ages 6 weeks to 12 months, unless your baby is an active walker, which is not recommended for this class. All parents are welcome. Class will be inclusive to all birth and parenting choices.

Pricing: Normal class rates apply. $20/single; packages and sliding scale available.

Sign up here

I have a busy schedule and I don't often give as much attention as I would like to my new baby, especially since I also have a toddler at home. Going to yoga on Saturday mornings with her has been a highlight of her infancy. I feel so filled with love after an hour of looking at her sweet face and exploring movement together. What pure joy to enjoy her, rather than just constantly managing a million tasks like usual. Highly recommended- it puts me in a phenomenal mood for the rest of the day.

- L.S.

This class is the best thing to happen to new (and new again) mamas since an extra hour of sleep! This weekly ritual saves me in so many ways - strengthens my center (in all meanings of the word), opens my hunched shoulders and gives me a moment to breathe. Love the community, the self-care time and the way I can actually stand up straight for a while after class, that is until my 4 month old and 3 year old want to be carried at the same time again.

Sarah, Evanston

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Additional Resources

Videos for home practice

Prenatal and postpartum classes for streaming or download.

Recovering from a traumatic birth?

Lela Beem specializes in helping women recover from difficult birth and postpartum experiences, even decades later. Learn more about her Somatic Experiencing practice here.

Are you experiencing anxiety and/or depression?

Contact Beyond the Baby Blues, a support group for prenatal and postpartum moms in Evanston, led by therapists. Lela teaches yoga for some of these groups.

Looking for a healthcare provider recommendation?

Check our this list of trust community providers.  You can also email for personalized suggestions.